One Woman’s Opinions
[NOTE TO READERS: Most -recent log entries will appear at the top of this series]
SGHolland Logbook entry. July 13, 2023
What has happened to our brains during the past several decades, that we willingly choke down the most illogical lies thrown out at us by so many noisy and forceful people who seem to be on a suicide trip. Are these people really ready to die by hearing and believing warped horror stories they are hearing from sources spreading feverish, cult-like lies?
Those who have not learned history because of sloppy educations and domestic trauma, are blind and deaf to glaring evidence of the visible, unmistakable disintegration of our natural assets. Do they assume that there will always be bottled water to drink? Where do they think they can find potable water?
Livid power-mongers wish to blind and deafen“the other side”. Even killing isn’t quite enough. The killing has to be punitive and hurtful and relentless. “The other side” must die. And so savagely that waves of terror paralyze the survivors. There is no other choice. Kill, to live, they believe.
Those who glorify their deadly weapons will die to keep their guns available to whomever craves a gun. Those who cannot get guns are now preferring quiet knives to kill one another! Quieter, I guess.
I am trying not to dwell on the infant corpses smeared over the face of the earth.
I am trying not to dwell on the proud counting of enemy corpses that so delights people at war.
I am trying to figure out how people were not taught what human history is, and what is meant by truth! Cults are so cool and belonging is so satisfying. Are we brain dead?
Is it too late to wake up?
Just saying…. sgh © 2023. July 13
SGHolland Logbook entry
A. narcissism: view-source:
EGO says that there is only one way that is the right way, and it’s MY way.
The world is beyond repair now, in regards to conscience, good sense, clear-headedness, and attention to the blatant facts that are slamming us humans in the face. The obvious truth about the strands that hold our Planet Earth together are now so visibly loose and unretrievable that even people like me who have been inclined to looking on the sunny side are now staring at the clearly visible polluting of the oceans, air, prairie lands, mountains, inhabitants, ourselves!! The inventions, hopes and beliefs are disintegrating before our very eyes.
It makes me sick and ashamed. What happened to us that I, me, and only the “cloned us” the perfect ones, are the only beings that can be allowed in “my” planet.
Does anything matter other than ME ME ME? Shall we eliminate all that is not ME? What would the world be like if I were the only person here?
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -sgh 7–10–2023