Some Days there is no Story.

Susan G Holland
Mar 11, 2022

As when, during labor, (using Lamaze techniques, i.e. no anesthesia), the top of my head seemed to fly up into somewhere else where I could no longer feel pain, but only heard voices of physician and nurses. When my head came back together I was aware of a change in the process. The baby was part way out, and all I needed to do was let it get born!

These days now, in March 2022, are frequently similar. Sleep is the antidote to the unbearable pain of anxiety. Or a walk outside into a deathly still place in the snow. My body is there in the sub-freeze and my head is processing the quiet.

I come in and throw myself over the bed and let my fingertips de-numb themselves until I can feel them.

© SGHolland 2022



Susan G Holland

Hacked too often here on Medium; and here I trusted it all these years! Beware!