Hellish World Woes /ButThere are Still Beautiful Things

Susan G Holland
2 min readMay 30, 2022


In Santa Fe, at our serene place with front and back patio and an actual dishwasher! We are very lucky.

We two here have been so fortunate, and we say so often each day, while watching/reading grim news of the day, grieving friends’ and relatives’ losses, and weeping at the state of the world.

We evacuated. But we had a place to come to. And what we evacuated from is still, amazingly, there, with scorched fields surrounding it. We were glad to share a building on the ranch property when another family had to evacuate, horses and all. It is a privilege to be of some help in this madness.

Sadness is the sauce that surrounds us even as sadness surrounds the troubled
world these days of 2021 and 2022. Friends dying of covid. Friends needing a place to sleep and store valuables.

Touching news today of a lactating mother who is sharing her milk in the face of an infant formula scarcity event.

Communities who are actively gathering food banks, and temporary housing,
and medical services.

3000+ firefighters who are risking their lives in hellish environments.
For weeks on end!!!!

Words finally expressed in letters and mail and in person that say things we always thought about precious people we love and respect, but never actually wrote or said directly to them.

Sort of like battlefield stories that have stayed under camo
but are emerging from the old soldiers’ silence, and which need to be said before it’s too late.

—SAMPLE : Headlines from this week in little old New Mexico , USA — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

People flee their homes as massive fire approaches in northern New Mexico — Source New Mexico

People flee their homes as massive fire …

Couple found dead as wildfire destroys New Mexico homes | Climate Crisis News | Al Jazeera

wildfire destroys New Mexico homes …

Wildfire in New Mexico kills 2 people …

As a wildfire closes in, New Mexico …

Hundreds flee Mora County, as many homes burn in wildfire — KOB.com
homes burn in wildfire …

High fire threat persists in New Mexico amid devastating blaze — ABC News
High fire threat persists in New Mexico …

©SGHolland 2022



Susan G Holland

Student of life; curious always. Tyler School of Fine Art, and a couple of years’ worth of computer coding and design, plus 87 years of discovery. Now in WA