To heck with tech...a tantrum
Oh, the heck with technology! May it get out of my life!
{Don’t take that seriously. I have been attached (welded, in fact) since somewhere in the 1980’s when I decided to take a computer programming night-school course. But sometimes (it’s 2021 now) the wonders of internet tech can make me crazy.)
Today is one of those days. How did I ever get separated from my body of written work on a formidable and highly touted venue like
Logging in seems to be the trouble. So I logged out today, thinking that logging back in would fix things. Now I’m locked out, except I have managed to log in to write this.
It’s the old writing that I have been unable to find. Yes, I can find a page that gives snippets of the beginnings of various writings dating back four or more years, but it’s truncated! Summarily!
Maybe I look like an intruder to those old stories…maybe it’s my operating system? I did download Linux. But Linux can find, obviously. It just doesn’t seem to see me, on medium.
Maybe it’s “ just rewards.”
The reason I am churning up old writing is that I was afraid the computer would go down (nay, the whole internet, in this period of computer hacking and broken connections and meanness between countries and such factions.
So I wanted to print out my output before it went away into cyberspace.
I’ve been putting it into a binder as I print out the much jabbering I have done online. Some things will not print!
I’ve tried “editing” finished work in the draft section and then publishing it so I can print it out before it goes away. Not all things are available, including the stuff in my “vault.” It must have been zipped to fit into the “vault”, and maybe my system doesn’t have an unzipper?
I get so frustrated it makes my head ache and my blood boil!
I can’t even search for me on the internet! Yes, there are disconnected images that appear when I put in a search, and scraps of this and that that I’ve done on other platforms. (I can see that my jabbering of many years ago is still there.) But Medium? There’s something tricky going on here…possibly a new algorithm that has been added for Privacy’s Sake.
I admit that my computer training has fallen behind in the past years of my rather old life (83 years). I have not kept up with the stuff as well as I did when I worked in the computer world on IBM “program enhancements”
and yes, I’ve become rusty at certain old skills and also am lagging behind in the new and cool technology that keeps being invented.
Yes, yes, they are just trying to keep my secrets private, and to filter out things that are dangerous to my software. But they are filtering me out.
I don’t like this.
SGHolland April 9, 2021