Tweeting (the questionable significance of)

Vic Damone sang “When My Sugar Walks Down the Street..” back in the day. It goes…. “all the little birdies go tweet tweet tweet..”

Susan G Holland
4 min readJul 9, 2021

I swear: All the Tweeting in the modern world is about as consequential as Vic Damone’s song about tweets.

Somehow I got curious enough to enter into the Twitter World way back in the past century in a ten-step group. One guy there kept his cell phone on so he could instantly respond to the tweets! From his kids. He kept track of them via Twitter, giving them permissions and reminding them about deadlines. He was always on that cell phone. It was always ringing. He was unaware that the rest of us were not impressed, since it interfered with our reason for being at those meetings. He left for a time. Didn’t come back for a very long time.
He was still stuck to that Twitter phone. Being a responsible parent (?).

You know, Twitter has kept butting in on my earnest online interchanges about my world, country, town, family, going through very real stresses. Good people.

Smart people who do not yet KNOW EVERYTHING: They tweet anything they want, willy-nilly, and call it the truth. And other people identify with them, and make parades of it all.

NO ONE knows “the truth” yet about so many things. But we get on our favorite social media home bases and argue like little kids on a playground declaring that so-and-so is a prophet, or a seer, or a king. We are allowing our pet media to tear a life-long wound into certain vulnerable humans’ psyches that is ruinous. We are irresponsibly giggling at the stupidity of people who are “totally wrong”, “dumb”, “wusses”, “ugly”, “dorky”, “evil”, etc.

Sometimes the little guys even say angry things to the big guys. Not a safe situation. The big guys are apt to turn it around and blame the little guys for
everything that is tearing the country apart.

And the big guy gives candy to all the “rah rah cheerleaders” who take sides with him. Carrot and stick, you know?

Then we humans get vengeful and fight and sue and slander those who disagree with us.
Can’t seem to get off the Twitter list. I’ve tried but there it is luring me back.

I have as much trouble un-having Google memberships as I have with Twitter.
I don’t WANT Google to take over as my Tech Director. I don’t want a whispering personal assistant to breathe in my ear. I don’t want to talk to Siri. Why can’t I just tell Siri to go away and don’t come back?

Will I become a trouble-maker enough for Facebook to bump me from their network? I have dear ones who get very politically overt who I don’t want to
block. But will the FB folks block me if I keep getting (and deleting) some of these over-the-top rants that some people send me, simply because they are used to being able to state their case.

Will I become, by blocking the “forwards” of my friends, a trouble-maker enough for Facebook to bump me from their network?

I am about to give up. But I can’t even trust the USPS, apparently, because there is a guy, an Inspector General guy, running that separate entity of US communication who thinks it’s okay to just dump all their systems out, all of a sudden, and make the delivery we have universally come to depend on, undependable. I was a mail carrier once. When those sorting machines came along my job was tremendously easier.

Then the grid goes down. (Yes, we call it a crash, but that is because we think it can be repaired in a day or two.) Now elegantly clever devils have worked their way into our system’s systems. They gnaw away from the inside of the carefully laid security safety software and cause the internet to come alive with parasites that eat its soul away. And the emergency crews for this run into thousands of techs who have to work around the clock just to keep the lights on…just to keep the bits and bytes alive.

We sit pecking at our mute keys like birds at an empty birdfeeder.

Dressed in finery and flashing the glitter of power and glory, we are being sapped into thinking that “happy times are here again.”

The lies come from the nicest people.

Right now I am in a state of despair. I am not sure the human race will ever be able to discern truth from lies.

Swim for your life! If the data is full of hateful, bullying, false, unbelievable, lies dressed in glamour and pride…and triviality… stop…breathe..think.

Instead… the old advice comes to mind.

..whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy — meditate on these things. Source: Phil 4:8

Facebook is seamy now, and, I think, terrified.

Google is owning everything, or trying to.
Congress is paralyzed. Are we able to think clearly?

I am afraid we are going to lose touch, valued people.

© SGH July 9, 2021



Susan G Holland

Hacked too often here on Medium; and here I trusted it all these years! Beware!